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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2023 year, number 1

Thermal conductivity of Pb-Na and Pb-Bi-Na alloys in the temperature range of 350 - 800 °C

A.B. Kruglov, I.I. Konovalov, B.A. Tarasov, V.S. Kharitonov, L.P. Paredes
National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), Moscow, Russia
Keywords: heat-conducting liquid metal sublayer, pulse heating method, thermal conductivity of lead-sodium and bismuth alloys


The article presents the results of measurements of thermal conductivity coefficients of Pb-Na with the content of the latter of 20 at. % and eutectic (Pb-Bi)-Na 20 at % alloys at temperatures of 350 - 800 °С. The experimental methodology is described and the temperature differences in the heat-conducting sublayer of fuel cells of the studied alloys are estimated.