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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2023 year, number 1

Measuring the geometric parameters of iceby phase triangulation method in a limited volume with refraction of optical signals

V.O. Zuev1,2, S.V. Dvoinishnikov1, V.G. Meledin1, V.V. Rakhmanov1, O.Yu. Sadbakov1, I.K. Kabardin1
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: ice, phase triangulation, refraction of optical signals


The research was devoted to the problem of measuring geometric parameters of ice by the method of phase triangulation in a limited volume with refraction of optical signals. This method served to develop an algorithm of measurement and calibration. It was also expedient to take into account the reflective properties of ice and the conditions of external lighting, as well as to ensure a minimum error in measuring the geometric parameters of ice. For this purpose, software complexes to control the quality of the measuring system with current parameters and to calculate the geometric parameters of ice, as well as a software and hardware complex for measuring the geometric parameters of ice by the phase triangulation method in a limited volume with refraction of optical signals have been developed. The measuring system was configured for a measuring volume with characteristic dimensions (100×100×60) mm. A measurement error of 12 microns has been achieved. Experiments were carried out to measure the geometric parameters of ice formed on a cylindrical surface. The values of the local thickness of the ice and the statistical value of the thickness of 1.6 mm have been restored. The developed technologies may be used in experiments on an aerodynamic stand for the study of icing processes aimed at creating anti-icing methods in various fields of industry.