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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2023 year, number 1

Numerical simulation and optimization of ionic wind heat sink with needle-fin electrode

J. Cai, C. Wang, Y. Hu
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong, China
Keywords: ionic wind, numerical simulation, heat sink, optimization


In this paper, the characteristics of the electric field, flow field and temperature field of ionic wind heat sink are studied, respectively. The results show that the heat sink achieves the best performance when the ratio of fin spacing to thickness is 5, the electrode spacing is 5mm, the needle position is 0. Furthermore, a two-stage structure ionic wind heat sink is proposed and optimized. The optimized average wind velocity increased by 30.8% to 3.57m/s compared to the single-stage structure. This work enriches the knowledge of electrode configuration and promote the application of ionic wind heat sinks.