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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2023 year, number 1

Studying the effect of external disturbances on the flow in the blade wake

V.V. Markin, P.A. Polivanov, G.A. Berkon
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: propeller, multirotor aircraft, small Reynolds numbers, thermal anemometry


The paper presents the research into small multirotor vehicles that fly in the surface layer of the atmosphere, where the level of flow disturbances impinging on the blade can change significantly, altering the characteristics of the propeller. Axial streamlining of a constant-pitch two-blade rotor with a diameter of 380 mm was experimentally studied in a low-noise wind tunnel T-324 of ITAM SB RAS. The experiment was carried out in the range of Reynolds numbers up to 1.5∙105, calculated from the flow parameters in the cross section of 75% of the rotor radius. The thermoanemometric method was used as the main measurement method. The influence of pulsations of the incoming flow on the flow characteristics in the propeller wake was established.