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Advanced Search

Geography and Natural Resources

2022 year, number 4


V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: state strategy, digital technological development, comparative analysis, cluster analysis, economic convergence, geographical boundary


This article is devoted to generalizing the world experience of geographical expertise of regional digital development strategies to determine the advantages and disadvantages of emerging approaches. It is established that publications on the geographical expertise in national and supranational strategic documents related to the digital development of regions appeared only in the last decade and have not yet received any theoretical generalization in world science. The selection of publications on the subject under consideration was carried out by using the author’s semantic search algorithm based on the ideas of machine learning. Approximately two dozen journal articles were found in eight bibliographic databases. A comparison of the examination methodologies presented in available identified articles was carried out. Five approaches to identifying geographical contradictions and uncertainties in regional digital development strategies have been identified. According to the main method of expert examination, these approaches are called comparative geographical, cluster, convergent, geopolitical and limological. Nine strategies are listed, among which most publications are devoted to the European document «Digital Agenda». A brief definition is presented, examples of implementation are given, and the main advantage and several main disadvantages for each approach are indicated. It is shown that further research on the issues under consideration may be related to the elimination of the identified shortcomings, the development of new approaches, coverage of new strategies, the geographical verification of the simultaneous implementation of several strategies for the same group of regions, the adaptation of the methodology for identifying geographical contradictions and uncertainties in the digital development strategy of one country for the examination of the strategy of another country, the identification of spatial effects from the implementation of strategies, and the integration of all approaches into a single methodology of geographical expertise. The results can be used to adjust existing and develop new regional development strategies.