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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

State-patriotic education of law enforcement officers and special services of Russia in pedagogical axiology

T. I. Aliyev
Admiral F. F. Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk, Russia
Keywords: axiological approach, axiology, patriotism, patriotic activity, patriotic values, patriotic ideal, patriotic education, principles of patriotic education, law enforcement agencies of the special services of Russia


Introduction. The article actualizes the problem of the manifestation of universal, national (all-Russian) state and service-professional values, which guarantee responsibility and the development of patriotism in the process of fulfilling multifunctional duties in life and in the service of each law enforcement and special services officer in Russia. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the conceptual provisions of the problem of state-patriotic education of law enforcement officers and Special Forces of Russia, to identify key groups of values and value orientations, to highlight the main principles of educational activities, to determine the methods and forms of purposeful and systematic educational work. Methodology. The study was carried out because of the implementation of the axiomatic approach, which serves as a methodological basis for the formation of the national-patriotic worldview of law enforcement and special services of the Russian Federation. Based on the foundations of axiological pedagogy, the main conceptual provisions and ideas of state-patriotic education are considered. The effective application of the provisions of pedagogical axiology to state education and patriotic activity requires the creative application of the structural components of state patriotism by the leadership and employees of law enforcement agencies and Special Forces of Russia: knowledge, motivation, values, positive and behavioral training. Discussion. The author substantiates a set of values that embody moral and patriotic ideals and serve as standards of decency and patriotism for young people, conditionally classified as fundamental values (Motherland, Fatherland, patriotism, loyalty, culture, language, history, traditions, faith) and professional values. The mechanisms for the implementation of state-patriotic education are considered: goals, categories of social values of employees (including the dominance of patriotism), principles (science, humanism, consistency, priority, continuity, an integrated approach, positive action, and a differentiated approach), forms, methods (training and upbringing). Conclusion. The presented results of the study are of significant importance for law enforcement agencies and special services in the framework of ongoing organizational and staffing reforms.