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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

Adaptation of pupils and students to modern requirements of self-didactics

A. V. Govorushenko, L. N. Kretova, I. V. Yakovleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: adaptation, self-education, self-didactics, needs, motivation, values, pupils, students, teachers, educational process


Introduction. The transition from secondary to higher education is not a natural step for many first-year university students. There is a significant difference between studying at school, university or college. The main task of a higher or specialized educational institution is to train competitive specialists who are able to adapt to the requirements of the employer and are ready to adequately respond to the unpredictable challenges of the time and the needs of society. The purpose of the study is to detect problematic circumstances in modern educational requirements for the development of methodology in self-education/self-teaching; to identify the causes of socio-educational maladaptation. Methodology. Review of domestic and foreign publications on the problems of adaptation to the requirements of self-education of pupils and students. Using the methodology of humanitarian expertise of questionnaires on a sample of students/pupils and teachers/teachers on self-didactics. The study revealed the difficulties of adaptation to the process of self-education at school, college and university, and also considered the possibilities of overcoming them. Discussion. The problem of adaptation of pupils and students in domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical publications draws attention to the lack of a clear understanding by teachers of the processes of self-education/self-teaching. A working definition of the concept of “self-didacticsˮ has been developed. The analysis of the humanitarian expertise of the questionnaires revealed a low degree of adaptation to the requirements of self-didactics in school, special educational institution and university. The ability to change and adapt in a professional or social environment is associated with the development by teachers of the methodology of self-teaching for students and students. In conclusion, it is concluded that the modern axiosystem of the educational space is increasingly dominated by the phenomenon of “self-didacticsˮ, which requires the ontology and axiology of education to develop new humanitarian and educational strategies.