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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

Phenomenology of the ideal and utopian through the prism of Dialectical categories

D. N. Demenev, E. K. Podobreeva, D. D. Hismatullina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: dialectic, ideal, utopia, modality, necessary, possible, real, classical art


Introduction. The challenge for modern humanity in the development of ideological, patriotic and civic positions is the appeal to the problems of the ideal and utopian. The paper has a polemical focus, the purpose of the paper is to distinguish the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” through the prism of dialectical categories (necessary - accidental, possible - valid). The research methodology includes historical and philosophical reconstruction of the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” in the samples of classical art. The phenomenological analysis of the ideal and utopia is carried out through the prism of the categories of modality: necessary, possible, real bifurcation and attractor. Discussion. The focus of the study of the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” was aimed at analyzing: the status of the phenomena of the ideal and utopian as a source of self-movement of contradictions of the necessary - accidental; the polyvariance of processes in the ideal and utopian through the possible - real as a special form of social consciousness. A generalization is made that, unlike utopia, which is capable of obscuring and replacing reality in a negative sense (unrealization, as well as realization of negative quality), the ideal does not just allow consciousness to create images corresponding to it on the inner plane, but contributes to the transformation of reality to one degree or another. Conclusion. The dialectical approach to understanding the phenomena of the ideal and utopia allows concluding that without these phenomena, the meaning of civilizational progress is lost. Utopia is an integral part, a bifurcation state of the ideal as a possible ideal. The ideal is understood as a kind of attractor and only in line with the value-positive, practically transformative potential. Embodied to one degree or another by a person, the ideal is objectified in reality, and the unembodied remains a utopia.