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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

Forms of objectification of moral and ethical educational goals of engineering profile

A. N. Dorofeev1,2, G. V. Bukalova3
1National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russia
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
3Turgenev Oryol State University, Orel, Russia
Keywords: Post-industrial society, engineering education, pedagogical research, meta-ethics, structural composition of moral and ethical competencies


Introduction. The development of post-industrial society entails the intensification of the functioning of the entire sphere of technical production. Freedom and responsibility of production activity of individuals are actualized. The problem of developing the methodological basis of moral and ethical competencies of a graduate of an engineering university, which was little emphasized before, becomes significant. The impetus for solving this humanitarian problem was the result of an empirical study of the level of the actual significance of the educational goals of preparing university graduates for engineering and technical activities of the car service profile. Methodology. The appeal to the provisions of metaethics (analytical and philosophical methodology of logical positivism and essential characteristics of labor), which regulates the ethical sphere of educational goals with the help of logical and deontological attitudes, requires both differentiation of moral and ethical competencies of the engineering profile, and the search for new information and semantic forms of objectification of metaethics. Discussion. A group of competencies that are traditionally formed during training sessions and presented to students only declaratively, without intrusion into their individual world, is highlighted. The high level of relevance of the ethical sphere of modern engineering training, revealed on the basis of the results of the study, served as an impetus for the development of a methodological guideline for the formation of educational goals adequate to the needs of the specialized technical sphere of production and society as a whole. The necessity of differentiation of moral and ethical competencies of a graduate of a university of cognitive and non-cognitive forms of objectification, fixing the effectiveness of their practical development by students, is substantiated. The structural complexity of the practical formation of these competencies depends on the ambiguity of the ethical issues of engineering. In accordance with the theoretical concepts, the deontological conditions for the development of moral and ethical competencies as educational values by students of the engineering profile are determined. Conclusion. The applied and theoretical levels of research allowed: 1) to involve analytical and philosophical methodology for objectification of moral and ethical educational goals of the engineering profile; 2) to divide the moral and ethical cognitive according to the signs of unconditional necessity and empirically relative regulated by the features of the profile sphere of production; 3) to identify the degree of relevance for the auto-servicing sphere of production of the development of ethical elements of engineering activity by students of the motor vehicle profile.