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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

Induction programs for supporting young teachers of a small rural school: international experience

O. V. Tsiguleva, E. A. Dudina, E. V. Mikhailova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: small rural schools, induction programs to support young teachers, mentoring


Introduction. Socio-ideological and socio-structural factors consist in that a rural small school is not only an educational institution, but also a social institution with a multidimensional and concentrated influence on the rural areas development, solving demographic problems, strengthening youth, improving cultural and professional level of rural society. In this regard, the issues of centralized resource support and professional development of newly-hired teachers of small rural school are being updated. Professional support programs (induction programs) for novice teachers in small rural schools are the key ones in the modernizing education strategy in foreign countries14. Methodology. A comparative analysis of the content of induction support programs for small rural schools teachers in foreign countries is used as a methodological basis. Discussion. The international experience of professional supporting young teachers of small rural schools is presented. The tasks and characteristic features of induction programs’ content to support teachers of small rural schools in foreign countries are revealed. Pedagogical and methodological means that provide compensation for deficits in the educational process in small rural schools in foreign countries are analyzed. Conclusion. On the basis of a comparative analysis, data are presented on possible programs to support small rural schools in foreign countries, natural conditions and opportunities for building a career route, professional and personal development, psychological microclimate and well-being of the newly-hired teachers.