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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

On the way to the health of society. Part 3. The axiological basis of society and the fundamental role of education

E. V. Ushakova1, T. S. Kosenko2
1Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: public health, partial basis of society, axiological basis of society, education, fundamental role of education, axiosystem of education


The third part of the paper “On the way to the health of society” discusses the problem of developing the foundations for the healthy existence of society as a complex sociosystem with a full-fledged public consciousness, where the subjects of society are people capable of value-oriented systematic, purposeful, independent cognitive activity. In order to formulate ideas about the axiological social basis, the forms of social consciousness that correlate with value-based instrumental and educational practice are studied, allowing substantiating the principles of healthy existence of society in theoretical and applied aspects. Methodology. The socio-philosophical analysis uses: system-philosophical and dialectical methodology; the principle of integrity (holism); socio-cultural approach to the disclosure of the axiological social basis. The problem of ontological and epistemological foundations of social existence in relation to the fundamental role of education is revealed. Discussion. The general structure of an active social system includes three main parts or substructures: perceiving (external), transforming-conducting (middle) and concentrating (central, or the core of the system). The concentrating substructures (the core of the sociosystem) are: territorial-metropolitan cities, in structural and functional terms - the governing bodies of the sociosystem, in content terms - the value-significant spiritual and material foundations of the sociosystem. From the standpoint of the element-system organization of society, the basis of a healthy sociosystem should be spiritual and material, holistic (integral), axiological (value), and not partial (one-sided, for example, only material). The axiological basis of society should correspond to a healthy holistic, spiritual and bodily essence of a person. In such a basis, the sphere of education acquires a fundamental, attributive role, since it is in it that the elements of this society are formed - people of an ennobled image, and the latter form a creatively creative public consciousness. The axiological dialectic of society and education is associated with a new trajectory of activity-instrumental improvement of both the subject and the object of the educational ecosystem. Conclusion. The essence of a healthy society is predetermined by its axiological basis in relation to the fundamental role of a new educational axiosystem that forms a whole person.