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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2022 year, number 5


M. A. Kirienko, I. A. Goncharova
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: woody and shrubby plants, life status categories, species composition


The woody and shrubby plants species composition and vital status at the territory of Krasnoyarsk Central Park were studied. The purpose of the work is to determine the tree and shrub species composition at the territory of the Central Park, to assess their vital status, to study the arboriflora structure and biodiversity, to identify dominant and single species, to give recommendations for improving the species composition and plantings quality. The studies were carried out in August 2021. The assessment of the species diversity, vital and sanitary condition of the park’s tree and shrub vegetation was carried out by the method of a complete enumeration of trees. The planting vital index determination was carried out using the generally accepted method of visual assessment of tree and shrub vegetation. It has been established that the Central Park arboriflora is represented by 86 species of plants, including: 39 species of trees, 46 species of shrubs and 1 species of vines. Arboriflora consists of 4470 plant (4133 trees, 337 shrubs), growing in the alley cropping, group planting, solitaires, boskets (total length 582 m) as well as hedge grow (50 m). The plantings vitality index is 1.99, which corresponds to a weakened or slightly damaged stands. The arboriflora structure was determined, its features were identified. The species that make the main contribution were identified. The most stable and weakened species of the park’s arboriflora were identified. Recommendations to stand developing of Krasnoyarsk Central Park were formulated based on the obtained results. It is advisable to apply park reconstruction proposals for urban spaces landscaping in similar environmental conditions.