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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2022 year, number 3


N. V. Telminova
Moscow University for Industry and Finance В«Synergy», Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: investment projects, agrotech project, assessment of commercial and investment attractiveness of project, assessment of efficiency of project, net present value of projects, profitability index of project, value-based analysis


Agrosector companies use investment projects on implementation and realization of technological innovative solutions - agrotech projects - to increase business competitiveness. Agrotech projects demonstrated high growth rates and higher demand in the venture capital market in 2019-2021. The aim of the study was the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of assessment of competitiveness of the projects in the agrotech field and the development of the modified method of assessment of their competitiveness. The following tasks of the study were set on the basis of the target goal: identification of agrotech project, marking out the types of agrotech projects and venture funds interested in their assessment, as well as in the development of the modified method of assessment of their effectiveness. The review of the projects in the agrotech field was done; the types and funds of agrotech projects specialized in their realization were marked out. The agrotech market trends, which stipulated the necessity for adaptation of the methods of analysis and assessment regarding the mentioned objects, were shown. The definition of the agrotech project was formulated; the main types of agrotech projects were systemized with the analysis of their subtypes, and the technologies, serving as the main types of agrotech projects, were presented. The following levels of assessment of agrotech project potential were offered: innovativeness, commercial and investment attractiveness. The method of assessment of investment attractiveness of agrotech project, introduced in the article, was developed using modification of the assessment of economic efficiency of agrotech project. Generalized and two-phase models of calculation of the indicators of net present value and profitability index of agrotech projects were offered.