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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 3

Conceptual pluralism of the theory and practice of education development in the journal "Philosophy of Education" (2011-2015)

I. V. Yakovleva1, T. S. Kosenko1, E. V. Ushakova2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: conceptual pluralism, philosophy of Education, sections of the journal "Philosophy of Education", analytical frame, ontology of Education, epistemology of Education, axiology of Education, praxiology of Education


Introduction. The idea of conceptual pluralism, which constitutes the semantic content of the science of Education, has received a resonant discourse in the Russian and foreign philosophy of Education. The review article aims to study and comprehend key theories, conceptual positions and educational paradigms within the framework of the socio-philosophical dialectic of the evolutionary processes of Education. The methodology of the review material is set by the framework of the studied scientific articles in the “Philosophy of Education” journal in the period 2011-2015 and is based on the use of analytical methods of interpretation of author’s discourses. Discussion. The study of research programs for the development of the philosophy of Education allowed us to identify a body of conceptual prerequisites that are the basis for the creation of the theory and practice of the development of the philosophy of Education. The assessment of the limits of applicability of the presented concepts is carried out, the problems and contradictions associated with their consideration in educational practice are identified. The need to study conceptual pluralism in education is dictated by the search for vectors of the direction of human society development and the role of Education in this progress. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of the research material, it is shown that with substantial differences in the developed methodological approaches to the philosophy of Education, there is a relatively stable corpus of key concepts (subjectivity of Education; integration of science, education and production; pluralism of opinions; various algorithms for evaluating state reforms; rationality, criticality, etc.). This corpus reflects the primacy of ontological, epistemological, axiological and praxiological (instrumental) educational alternatives. Their heuristic potential is significant for understanding the fundamental foundations of modern education, and is also applicable as a methodological tool for designing educational programs for strategic and tactical purposes.