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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 3

The development of general education in the Soviet Union in the second half of the XX century: searches and results

Dmitry A. Metelkin
Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Soviet school, education system, reforming, modernization, development of education and upbringing


Introduction. The request for an analysis of the ongoing changes in Russian education contributes to the search for fundamental guidelines that meet the challenges of our time. It is increasingly difficult for modern society and the individual to cope with the overwhelming flow of information, which actualizes the need for special skills to process incoming data. Knowledge in a number of scientific specialties quickly becomes obsolete, which also means the need to focus in education not on knowledge, but on the formation of skills and abilities. At the same time, the ideal is built over the material. This is the phenomenon of brand consciousness, stereotyping of thinking, consumerism, etc. In order to answer the question “what are the results achieved in the Soviet Union concerning the strategic tasks of the advanced development of the education system as a part of the planned development of the entire economic complex”, the period of educational policy from 1950 to 1980 is considered. Methodology. Historical approaches to understanding the development of general education in the Soviet Union are based on a number of main areas: these are sociocultural trends in identifying education reforms with breakthroughs in science, engineering and technology; these are the laws of increasing the duration of secondary education; it is the fulfillment of the decisions of the XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI Congresses of the CPSU. Discussion. The political assessments of the Soviet education system are considered as a factor motivating the reform of the school. The key stages of the historical evolution of the national education system, the main factors and mechanisms that laid the foundations of the modern structure and state of the modern Russian education system and predetermined both the strengths and weaknesses of its functioning and development are analyzed. Conclusion. It is concluded that in the development of the Soviet school at the stage of 1950-1980. there was no period of the optimal state of the general education system: both in terms of structure and in terms of its content.