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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 3

Digital representation of personality in a virtual educational environment

V. V. Petrov
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: digitalization, socialization, personality formation, distance technologies, communication gap


Introduction. Under the conditions of virtualization of the educational space, there is a change in the relationship between the subjects of educational interaction. The paper presents the results of the conducted philosophical analysis, which made it possible to identify the causes of the gap between the personality of the subject and its digital representation. Methodology. The work uses a socio-philosophical and pedagogical approach, which made it possible to identify the conditionality of the processes of development of the education system by the external environment in which the transformation of forms and types of communication takes place, to determine the reasons for which there is a mismatch between the real and virtual personality in the digital educational environment and to identify the key elements of the organization of educational activities that contribute to minimizing the emerging gap in the changed socio-cultural conditions. Discussion. Interpersonal communication of two fully developed subjects, arising in the process of transferring knowledge in the form of information, is one of the effective ways of socialization. The digital representation of the personality of a participant in the educational process arises under the influence of information and communication technologies as a response to the uncertainty characteristic of the virtual space. Together with the possibility of self-construction, this feature creates isolation from the real personality of the individual, partially eliminates the system of formal social statuses, which means the rejection of the usual grounds for social self-categorization. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, a set of individual traits was revealed, which are based to varying degrees on his real personal characteristics that have a direct impact on activities in a virtual environment. It has been established that a significant gap between the digital personality and the real one creates its constructed character and the desire for anonymity, which allows the user not to limit himself in the formation of features that do not correspond to his real personality.