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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 3

Socialization and cognition: new conceptual aspects in the Information Society

Mikhail A. Petrov
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: information, knowledge, cognition, understanding, information society, information processes, information technologies, social institution, socialization


Introduction. The paper is devoted to the study of a topical problem in the sphere of interests of social science scientific directions and concerns socio-philosophical understanding of the features of socialization in the conditions of the dominance of the latest information technologies. The purpose of the study is an analytical review of new conceptual aspects devoted to the study of chaotic information flows and the transformation of traditional epistemological mechanisms that hinder full-fledged socialization. The methodology is based on understanding the essence of socialization through the prism of a dialectical approach to the tetrad: information - understanding - knowledge - socialization. This approach takes into account not only the external side of social changes, which are often the result of another technological breakthrough, but also the transformation of the entire epistemological toolkit. Discussion. The activity of a cognizing person is always determined by vital goals, which are rationally meaningful needs that contribute to the formation of a subject of a specific social community. In the paper, knowledge is considered as the basis of socialization, which activates cognition in all its manifestations, including those in demand in the process of socialization. Knowledge fixed at a specific level of the cognitive process can only be modern, correlating with the interests of the individual and society. Conclusion. The latest information technologies determine a new system of interactions between the theory of cognition and the processes of socialization. There is a need to develop non-traditional methodological mechanisms that contribute to human socialization. Of fundamental importance in this case is the comprehension in the process of socialization of information flows, which do not always become potential knowledge, but significantly affect a person’s ideas. An information resource that has not reached the level of established knowledge not only transforms a person’s ideas, but also changes the processes of his socialization. Such tendencies violate the traditional epistemological tools, blocking the process of forming adequate knowledge about the world and about man.