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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 3

On the way to the health of society. Part 2. The search for the foundations of the balance of human life and society in a new worldview format (The Ends of the Universe and the sociocons of being)

E. V. Ushakova1, B. N. Kagirov2, T. S. Kosenko3, I. V. Yakovleva3
1Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia
2Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
3Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: public health, universal knowledge, Laws of the Universe, valeoclassication of sociosystems, legal system, socio-truths of being, truths, laws


Introduction. The second part of the article “On the way to the health of society” discusses the problems of finding common ontological and epistemological grounds for substantiating the possibility of forming healthy, harmonious, balanced anthroposocial systems ranging from the initial element of society (man) and up to the noosphere as a healthy planetary sociosphere. The urgency of these problems is increasing due to the development of increasingly large-scale social conflicts - from domestic to global and with the need to find ways of social creation on the way to perfection of individual and social life. Methodology. To consider the problems of a healthy, balanced existence of society, in order to eliminate various social conflicts and pathologies, the following methods are applied: system-philosophical, dialectical methodology; principles of integrity (holism) as opposed to partialism in understanding social reality; applied scientific-theoretical, comparative and axiological methods of cognition. Discussion. The problem of the general ontological foundations of the existence of the World, which are also designated as the Ends of the Universe, is discussed. They are used to construct, deductively, general logical bases for the analysis of social systems - healthy, unhealthy, pathogenic. Attention is drawn to the concentrating substructures of sociosystems represented by the legal system, which determines the overall structural-dynamic, legal-political organization of society. A general classification of ecosociosystems is constructed from the standpoint of the organization of harmonious life on the basis of systemic philosophy and principles of dialectics, which can be used in the future for the practice of social transformations along the path of creation and perfection in the strategy of building a noospheric civilization. Conclusion. The initial foundations of the sociospheric approach to the analysis of the problems of ensuring the health of society are proposed, as one of the possible options for finding ways of social harmony, based on achieving a balance of individual, interpersonal, social, socio-ecological and socio-natural relations in a globalizing society.