Publishing House SB RAS:

Publishing House SB RAS:

Address of the Publishing House SB RAS:
Morskoy pr. 2, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2022 year, number


E.B. Artemyeva1, N.A. Kupershtokh2, S.N. Lyutov1
1State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Institute of History SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, institutions of science, libraries, information support, scientific publishing


The Academy of Sciences has consistently maintained a strategy to study Siberia and the Far East throughout its almost three hundred year-old history. Establishing the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1957 according to principles innovative for that time meant a new stage in the state scientific policy implementation. For the first time in the science history, the Siberian Branch united the scientific institution network beyond the Urals both organizationally and territorially. The evolution of developing the academic institutions was from single hospitals to complex research centers of the Siberian Branch of the USSR/RAS Academy of Sciences. Along with the scientific institution creation in the region, the system of academic libraries has been developed to form scientific collections, provide information support for research and engineering, and preserve the historical, cultural and scientific heritage. Establishing and developing the research and publishing activity of SB RAS demonstrate interesting features that indicate, on the one hand, purposeful work to create a regional publishing structure meeting the requirements of the Academy of Sciences, and, on the other hand, the Branch leadership autonomy to realize the idea of creating own publishing house becoming more self-reliant to produce scientific editions. The paper gives comprehensive analysis of structural transformations carried out in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in different years, adaptation of means of research information support to changing conditions, which confirms a flexible policy pursued by heads of the department and scientific institutions implementing the transformation tasks in the Academy of Sciences centered on the needs and features of scientific development in the region. The developed information support system for research meets the requirements of the time and contributes to the Siberian science achievements.