Publishing House SB RAS:

Publishing House SB RAS:

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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2022 year, number


I.A. Goncharuk
Far Eastern Federal University, Ajax, Russian Federation
Keywords: publishing strategies, book market, Far East, publishing houses, crowdfunding, mixed strategies, competition, online strategies


The paper discusses publishing strategies used by Far Eastern publishing houses at the transition stage from the state to market model (the late 1980s - early 1990s) as well as the book publishing strategies employed in the Russian Far East in the post-Soviet period (mid-1990s - early 2000s). During the transition from the book publishing state to a market model, the leading role in the Russian Far East was assigned to state and institutional publishing houses. The strategies used by them differed from those employed by private publishing houses located in western Russia. In 1986-1991, research institutes were the leaders of the Far Eastern book publishing industry, but in 1990-1991, a significant part of editions produced by Far Eastern publishing houses was science fiction and adventure genres. Therefore, the strategy of the Far Eastern publishing of this period was literary and artistic one. In 1991-1994, universities took over the leading positions in producing literature in the Far East, which indicates the presence of academic strategy. At the same time, children’s book publishing was actively developing, so traditionalist, or universal, strategy became widespread. In post-Soviet period (mid-1990s - early 2000s), since 1994-1995 till the middle of 1996, higher education institutions became the most active participants of the publishing process in the Far East, so the university strategy became decisive. In 1995-1998, concentration of media assets of various enterprises started in the Russian Far East, and some university publishing houses were transformed into publishing and printing complexes and media holdings, thus the external growth strategy was developed. In 1998-2000, the book market of the Far East formed under the effect of specific and mixed strategies, such as the strategy of launching new products on the market, which includes a strategy of focusing, or narrow specialization (regional natural history) aimed at a verified target audience of the publishing house. Since 2001, independent and online strategies have emerged, which made it possible to satisfy customers’ demand and at the same time diminish risks by reducing circulation.