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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2022 year, number

The specifics of the formation of the "journalist" profession in Siberia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century

I.S. Chernova
Institute of History SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: profession, Siberian journalists, Siberian intelligentsia, history of Siberian journalism, periodicals, ego-documents


Forming the “journalist” profession, professional identity of press figures, development of common goals and objectives, ethical standards of author took place in the second half of the XIX century. During the period under study, journalists in Siberia were representatives of various professions, ranks, and positions. The article objective is to analyze the formation of the “journalist” profession in Siberia during the mentioned period. The research problematics correlate with the direction of “historical professionology”. The article describes approaches to studying professions in historical retrospect, presents definitions of such terms as “profession” and “Siberian journalist”. Persons who possessed literary skills, an ability to white vivid, extraordinary, succinct, but at the same time meaningful texts for newspapers, magazines, to observe the public life, started gradually to cooperate with periodicals. The authors were persons without special education, which was a feature of forming the profession and testified to incompleteness of formation of a regional group, establishing its professional boundaries. The community of journalists recruited figures from other groups of intellectuals into its ranks. The spheres of additional or main but not journalistic professional activity of authors could vary in different years under the influence of both external and internal factors. Some journalists became full-time employees, editors. Others combined journalistic work with another type of activity, which was the specifics of the profession formation. The experience gained in a different field of work favored the development of intellectuals as journalists, successful, active employees of editions. This was especially true for some scientists, teachers, doctors, officials, lawyers. Their closeness to society, interaction with the various groups of population were reflected in newspaper notes. Press employees despite their employment in other fields were recognized by fellow journalists, became members of editorial offices and were perceived as members of the journalistic group.