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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2022 year, number 3

Experimental investigation of free convection of liquid metal in a rectangular channel with temperature gradient

N.A. Pribaturin1, P.D. Lobanov2, V.S. Berdnikov2, A.S. Kurdyumov2, A.I. Svetonosov2, I.A. Evdokimenko2
1Nuclear Safety Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
2Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: experiment, free convection, liquid metal, temperature


Temperature distribution was measured during the development of natural convection in a vertical rectangular cavity 364 mm high, 185 mm wide and 40 mm deep, filled with a lead-bismuth melt and with the temperature difference maintained on its vertical sidewalls. The initial temperature difference was set by changing the electric power supplied to the heated wall, and, accordingly, by changing the heat removed from the opposite wall. The measurements were carried out in a quasi-stationary regime of free convection, when the flow parameters and temperature distributions over the cavity cross-section were constant for several hours. As a result of the performed measurements, the temperature profiles along the width and depth of the rectangular cavity were obtained.