Formation of fogs downstream of the Krasnoyarsk hydropower plant on the Yenisei river
N.Ya. Shaparev, A.V. Tokarev, O.E. Yakubailik
Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: fogs, Yenisei River, meteorological conditions, water temperature, remote sensing
Generation of fogs downstream of the Krasnoyarsk hydropower plant on the Yenisei River during 2020 is studied. Meteorological conditions at the time of fog generation were recorded on the geoportal developed by the authors; water temperatures were taken at a gauging station; fogs were recorded with the help of video surveillance cameras. Data analysis showed generation of advective cooling fogs in summer and advective steam fogs in winter, early spring, and autumn. Cooling fogs are generated due to the cooling of the moist air as the lower atmosphere interacts with a colder moving water surface. Steam fogs result from the advective cooling of water vapor on the river surface by the colder adjacent atmosphere. The spatial distribution of steam fogs was derived from remote sensing data.