Dependence of the intensity of emission lines of chemical elements on the duration of laser pulses in the method of filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy of aqueous aerosol
A.Yu. Mayor1,2, S.S. Golik1,2, Yu.S. Tolstonogova1, A.A. Ilyin1,2, O.A. Bukin1,3
1Far Eastern Federal University, o-v Russkij, Russia 2Institute of Automation and Control Prosesses Far Easten Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia 3Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy, laser pulse duration, aerosol analysis, femtosecond radiation
The dependence of the intensity of emission lines Ca (393.3, 396.8, 422.6 nm), Mg (383.6 nm), and Na (589 nm) on the laser pulse duration in the method of filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy is investigated. The filament was excited in seawater aerosols droplets of 0.8-2 mm in size by laser pulses of 70, 230, 500, and 900 fs in duration at a constant pulse energy of 3.0 mJ. It is shown that with an increase in the laser pulse duration, the intensity of the emission lines of the studied elements increased, with the exception of the magnesium line. Optimal values of the laser pulse duration for the excitation of Ca, Mg, and Na lines in a seawater aerosol are derived.