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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2022 year, number 5

Estimation of the efficiency of laser excitation of the B2Sigma+ (v' = 0) - X2Pi(v'' = 0) transition of phosphorus oxide

S.M. Bobrovnikov1,2, E.V. Gorlov1,2, V.I. Zharkov1, S.N. Murashko2
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
2National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: phosphorus oxide, PO-fragments, absorption spectrum, laser excitation, thermalization, organophosphates


We present the results of calculating the vibrational and rotational terms of the X2Π and B2Σ+ electronic states of the phosphorus oxide (PO) molecule. The absorption spectrum corresponding to the electronic transition B2Σ+ (v′ = 0) - X2Π (v″ = 0) has been calculated. The efficiency of laser excitation of PO molecules is estimated as a function of the spectral parameters of the radiation. It has been established that the excitation efficiency of the B2Σ+ (v′ = 0) - X2Π (v″ = 0) electronic transition of the PO molecule is approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of the A2Σ+ (v′ = 0) - X2Π (v″ = 0) transition. The result is of practical importance from the point of view of choosing the optimal scheme for laser excitation of the fluorescence of PO-fragments in the implementation of the method of remote detection of organophosphates.