Quantitative spectral analysis by femtosecond pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
P.A. Babushkin, G.G. Matvienko, V.K. Oshlakov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: femtosecond, sounding, plasma, spectral analysis, LIBS, FS-LIBS
The results of analysis of aerosol of an aqueous solution of NaCl by femtosecond-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (FS-LIBS) are considered. The results of estimating the impurity (Na) concentration by the analytical pair method using the additive method are presented. The radiation of the atomic nitrogen ion N+ at a wavelength of 500.515 nm from atmospheric nitrogen molecules in the filamentation region was taken as the internal standard line. A possibility of estimating the concentration of the both desired substances, the radiation of which is recorded, and the compound containing it is shown. The results are of interest for the development of femtosecond lidar sensing methods.