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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2022 year, number 5


B. Chen1,2, M. Franceschi3, Y. Wang1, X. Duan4, X. Jin2, Z. Shi1,2
1Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, 610059, China
2Institute of Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu, 610059, China
3University of Trieste, via E. Weiss 2, Trieste, 34128, Italy
4China West Normal University, Nanchong, 637009, China
Keywords: Сoal fire, combustion metamorphic rocks, apatite fission-track dating, geomorphologic evolution, late Cenozoic


Coal fires are a phenomenon that can be observed worldwide in areas where rocks containing coal seams are exposed and can pose major environmental threats. A coal fire can begin through spontaneous combustion when coals are exposed to dry and oxygen-rich near-surface conditions. Burning, depending on the temperature of heating, causes baking or even melting of the surrounding rocks and the formation of different types of combustion metamorphic rocks. In Northwestern China, coal fire occurrences are concentrated at the edges of the sedimentary basins or at the margins of orogenic belts, where coalrich units were exposed owing to the Indo-Eurasian collision. On the northern margin of the Tianshan range, evidence of coal fires is widespread in the Jurassic sedimentary units containing coal seams which outcrop along the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. In some cases, coal fires are active and can be linked to ongoing mining activity, but outcrops of combustion metamorphic rocks not associated with fires are also found and are indicative of past burning events. We examine combustion metamorphic rocks outcropping in the Toutunhe River valley (Liuhuangou area, Xinjiang, Northwestern China). Combustion metamorphic rocks in the study area were mapped and classified according to their morphological and mineralogical characteristics. Outcrops are exposed at various heights on the valley flanks, which are characterized by the presence of multiple levels of fluvial terraces. These terraces are indicative of the phases of erosion and deposition of the Toutunhe River and testify to tectonic uplift. The investigation of the stratigraphic and crosscutting relationship of combustion metamorphic rocks with terrace deposits and apatite fissiontrack dating made it possible to determine that at least four phases of coal fire activity occurred from late Miocene to Quaternary. The first and oldest burning phase dates back to 10 ± 1.3 Ma and terminated prior to 2-3 Ma; the second was active before ~550 ka; the third had terminated by ~140 ka; the fourth began later than ~5.7 ka. The relationships between combustion metamorphic rocks and fluvial terraces further suggest that coal fire ignition/extinction in the area since the Miocene have been linked to the interplay between the uplift of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the phases of fluvial erosion and deposition in interglacial periods.