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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2022 year, number 1


V.N. Godin, T.V. Arkhipova
Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Chaerophyllum aromaticum, Apiaceae, seed set, umbel, synflorescence


We studied the seed set of the andromonoecious Chaerophyllum aromaticum (Broadleaf chervil), a perennial or biennial polycarpic herbaceous plant. Our survey was carried out in natural conditions of the Moscow region from 2018 to 2021 according to generally accepted methods of studying plant seed sets. We showed that the seed set of individuals depends on the degree of synflorescences branching. Broadleaf chervil has three types of individuals with double umbels on shoots of I-II, I-III, and I-IV orders. C. aromaticum has a high potential (number of ovules per individuals) and real (number of seeds per individuals) seed set (up to 3500 seeds per individual) and the proportion of perfect flowers forming full seeds (92-93 % per individual). The potential and real seed set of terminal double umbels is higher than that of individual double umbels on shoots of the following orders in individuals with the least and most branched synflorescences. In individuals with double umbels on shoots of I-III orders, the number of ovules and seeds in double umbels on shoots of II order is higher than in terminal double umbels. In Broadleaf chervil, the seed set of double umbels on shoots of the same branching order naturally increases with an increase in the branching of the shoot system. The contribution of the seed set of double umbels to the total seed set of C. aromaticum individuals also depends on the degree of synflorescences branching. With an increase in the branching of the shoot system, the share of seed set of terminal double umbels and double umbels on second-order shoots gradually decreases. These characteristics of double umbels on third-order shoots naturally increase due to both their numerical predominance and, in some cases, a greater number of ovules and seeds formed by them. A high seed set ensures successful seed reproduction of Broadleaf chervil in natural conditions.