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Journal of Mining Sciences

2021 year, number 6

Shapes of Hydraulic Fractures in the Neighborhood of Cylindrical Cavity

S. V. Serdyukov, A. V. Azarov, L. A. Rybalkin, A. V. Patutin
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: rock mass, underground opening, stress state, hydraulic fracturing, fracture shape, fracturing fluid pressure, numerical modeling, extended finite element method, physical simulation and full-scale experiment


The article presents the theoretical and experimental results on propagation of hydraulic fractures in the neighborhood of an extended cylindrical cavity in an isotropic elastic medium under the hydrostatic stress and in the triaxial stress field composed of unequal components. The influence exerted on the curvature and volume of the created fractures by the fracture initiator and cavity spacing, as well as by the strength and compression of the medium is illustrated. The main types and conditions of the created fractures are described. The physical simulation and the full-scale experiment prove the numerical research reliability and the applicability of the program and method solutions in design of hydraulic fracturing at short distances from underground openings and structures.
