Numerical Modeling of Rock Bolt Support in Case of Rheological Behavior of Rock Mass in Deformation
V. N. Zakharov, V. A. Trofimov, Yu. A. Filippov
Academician Melnikov Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: rock mass, rheological behavior in deformation, rock bolt support, numerical modeling, stress, tunnel
The article presents a geomechanical model of a tunnel with rock bolt support. The numerical modeling is performed in ANSYS. The effect of the rock bolt support on the tunnel stability is analyzed with regard to the rheological properties of rocks. The loading and functioning of rock bolts are actualized owing to joint deformation of the rock bolts and enclosing rock mass during their interaction with each other and with the anchoring grouting. The authors discuss feasibility of loss of the load-bearing capacity by the rock bolts because of their fracture. The algorithm of timing of a rock bolt to keep functioning and damage localization is described.