Publishing House SB RAS:

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2021 year, number 2


A. A. Emanov1,2, A. F. Emanov1, A. V. Fateev1,2, E. V. Shevkunova1, V. G. Podkorytova1
1Altay-Sayan Branch of the United Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Russia
Keywords: Seismology, induced seismicity, Kuzbass, Mountain Shoriya, underground mines, open-pit mines


According to the results of seismicity monitoring in Kuzbass, it is determined that the strongest seismic activations of the subsoil in the area of coal workings occur as short-term activations lasting one to two months. Similar activations occur more frequently at other objects. Induced seismicity in Mountain Shoriya is considered. The effect of partial synchronization of seismicity development was discovered at Kazsky, Sheregeshsky, and Tashtagolsky, mines located hundreds kilometers apart. No such synchronization is observed at open-pit and underground coal mines.