T.N. Novikova1, L.I. Milyutin1, S. Jamiyansuren2
1V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, SB RAS, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50/28 2Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 210351, Ulaanbaatar, Zhukov str., 77, Mongolia
Keywords: цветосеменные расы сосны обыкновенной, состав популяций, потомства деревьев с разным цветом семян, Южная Сибирь, Монголия, color-seeds races of Scots pine, structure of populations, peculiarities of progenies trees with diff erent color of seeds, South Siberia, Mongolia
Materials on portion of Scots pine trees with different color of seeds in the some regions on South Siberia and Mongolia are adduced. It is marked, that interest for color seed vaces at the last years in connection with the fact that phens of the color layers of this species are exposed. Combination of different phens is characteristic feature of separate individual marked her genotype. Peculiarities of the progenies of color seeds races Scots pine are analyzed. A conclusion is drawn on prevalence in the populations of the individuals with dark seeds and best growth of progenies these individuals as well. The absence of trees with light seeds and correspondingly the lowering of intrapopulation diversity on color of seeds are characterized by the populations growing in the more hard conditions. Quantitative indices of seeds (weight of seeds, germination energy, technical germination ability) of progenies trees with different color of seeds aren’t differed considerable. The progenies of trees with light seeds are less viable and eliminated in the different stages of growth and development. The survival of the progenies trees with different color of seeds at the age of (22, 42, 49 years) was practical equally. In the Asiatic part of the area Scots pine (Siberia, Mongolia) the individuals with dark seeds prevail and south regions and north regions.