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Geography and Natural Resources

2020 year, number 1


1Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, 630108, Novosibirsk, ul. Plakhotnogo, 10, Russia
2Krasnoyarsk Krai Division of VOO Russian Geographical Society, 660125, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Urvantseva, d. 5, pom. 1, Russia
Keywords: туризм, историко-культурный потенциал, способы определения географического центра, гео информационные системы, центроид, критерий качества, tourism, historical and cultural potential, ways of determining the geographical center, geoinformation systems, centroid, quality criteria


The economic significance of the historical and cultural potential, including the field-established geographical centers of the regions, is revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods of determining the geographical centers of territories are considered. Their relationship with geoinformation systems is determined. It is found that the software of these systems has the functionality of automatically calculating the geometric center (centroid) of a polygonal object. It is suggested that the centroid can be used as the geographical center of the territories. The water area of Lake Baikal is used as the object for the study of software for geoinformation systems. We collected and systematized the digital topographic maps at a scale of 1:100 000 for the territory of Lake Baikal. A cartogram of digital material used in the experiment is compiled. The criterion is suggested for as sessing the quality of software for geoinformation systems. We calculated the centroids of Lake Baikal (in some widely used commercial software for geoinformation systems and in the software package of one of this article’s authors). The layout scheme of the lake centroids is developed. Based on analyzing the location of the centroids of the water area of Lake Baikal and on assessing the quality criteria, an assessment is made of the possibility of using the commercial software for geoinformation systems in order to determine the geographical center of territories. The coordinates of the geographical center of Lake Baikal are sug gested, which have been determined by authors.