Indentation of a Rigid Cylinder with a Flat Rough Base into a Thin Viscoelastic Layer
I. G. Goryacheva, A. A. Yakovenko
Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, 119526, Russia
Keywords: microrelief, indentation, viscoelastic layer, actual contact area
Interaction between a thin viscoelastic layer and a rigid cylinder whose contacting end surface is nominally flat but has a microrelief is studied. The microrelief is modeled by a periodic system of axisymmetric indenters. Analytical expressions for the depth of indentation and the actual contact area are obtained using an approach based on consideration of micro- and macroscale levels. The effect of the surface microgeometry of the punch and mechanical properties of the layer on the time dependences of the indentation depth and the actual contact area.
DOI: 10.1134/S0021894421050035