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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2021 year, number 10

An example of data assimilation from several lightning detection networks in numerical weather forecast

I.M. Gubenko1, K.G. Rubinstein1,2
1Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: lightning detection systems, data assimilation, convection


This influence of assimilation of date from lightning detection networks on the quality of the weather forecast using the numerical model is analysed. For 10 dates of 2020 over the Krasnodar Territory, estimates of the quality of forecasts for some meteorological parameters were calculated: without lightning assimilating; with assimilation of data from global and regional networks separately; with assimilation of data from all networks. WRF-LTNGDA was used as the assimilation procedure, and WRF-ARW model ver. 3.9.1 was used as a predictive model. We have studied the influence of information from: WWLLN, GGO, and VGI networks, as well as the new global lightning network TLN.