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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2021 year, number 10

Geochemistry of particulate matter in the winter atmosphere of Yakutsk (by snow cover)

V.N. Makarov, N.V. Torgovkin
Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russia
Keywords: atmosphere, particulate matter, geochemistry, dust pollution, snow cover, toxicity, Yakutsk


The quantitative and physico-geochemical characteristics of particulate matter in the winter atmosphere of Yakutsk, accumulating in the solid phase of the snow cover, are examined. Snow survey was carried out on the territory of the city in 2020. Based on modern methods of analysis the features of the transformation of the chemical composition of particulate matter in the winter atmosphere of an urbanized territory are analyzed. The main source of pollution of the winter atmosphere of the city is motor transport; energy facilities and industrial enterprises contribute less. The features of the macro- and microelement composition of the solid phase of snow on the territory of the city have been ascertained. The intensity of the intake of chemical elements with winter dust varies within 6-7 mathematical orders: from a maximum of 103-104 mg/(m2 × day) for Ca, Fe, and Al, to a minimum of £ 10-3 mg/(m2 × day) for Pt, Au, and Hg. The most unfavorable from a sanitary point of view is the fallout of Fe, Zn, and As from the winter atmosphere. Heavy metal pollution of the snow cover on the territory of Yakutsk is noticeably lower than in a number of cities in Eastern Siberia.