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Philosophy of Sciences

2021 year, number 3

SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITIES: FROM THE CIRCLE TO INSTITUTION (based on the material of scientific schools in philosophical sciences)

Sergey Alevtinovich Smirnov
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 Nikolaeva str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: science, scientific community, ethos of science, disciplinary matrix, scientific paradigm


The article provides a methodological analysis of the problem соnceming the formation of the scientific community as an institution. Various examples from the history of philosophy show the formation of scientific communities from informal seminars and circles to mature institutional forms. The main criteria are marked out which indicate the process of the formation of the scientific community as an institution. It is also shown that the issue of scientific communities should be closely related to the problem of the ethos of science. The author describes how ideas about the ethos of science have changed in the works of R. Merton and T. Kuhn. The role of the behavioral and social models of the ethos of the scientific community in its formation as an institution is considered. Without the ethos of science, the formation of the scientific community as an institution is impossible as a matter of principle.