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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2021 year, number 9

Assessment of the possibility to transfer information by vortex radiation in the presence of noise formed by randomly located dislocations

F.Yu. Kanev, V.P. Aksenov, N.A. Makenova, I.D. Veretekhin
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: optical vortices, singular points of the wavefront, optical communication lines, atmospheric turbulence


A technique is developed for extracting an information currying signal from a beam with optical vortices in the wavefront due to distortions. Specific feature of this communication system is that information is also transferred by an optical vortex. The analysis has been carried out with the use of numerical simulation techniques. In the model developed, all singular points were introduced into the wavefront in the plane of the source emitting aperture, after which the radiation propagates under diffraction-free conditions. This schematic of numerical experiment roughly corresponds to an optical communication line, where a beam passes through a thin medium layer near the laser source, and beam distortions are so strong in this layer that additional vortices appear in the wavefront. Two techniques for extracting an information carrying signal from the distorted beam are considered. A possibility of solving the problem stated with the use of the technique developed is shown.