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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2020 year, number 6

Simulation study for injection of two-phase fuel mixture into a cylindrical afterburner with asymmetric air inlet

a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:89:"A.V. Voronetskii1, K.Yu. Aref’ev1,2,3, M.A. Abramov1,2,3";}
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
2Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
Keywords: mathematical simulation, condensed phase, power plant, afterburner, gasification products, fuel injection


A method is developed for secondary data processing of the results of simulation of two-phase flow in an afterburner with a complex geometry. This method offers a prediction for mixing process efficiency (quality estimate) and combustion efficiency in an afterburner of a power plant. The opportunities of this method were demonstrated at the example of simulation of mixing the two-phase fuel with air in the afterburner of a model power plant with gas generation outlay. The paper presents a mathematical model for studied processes and the simulation results. The fuel was the gasification products (GP) of a high-energy composition (a mixture of gaseous and condensed phases). An algorithm was applied for processing the mathematical simulation results: the output is the evaluation of mixing between GP condensed phase and air flow. The parametric study offers the dependencies for size distributions of GP particles in the afterburner cross sections. The limiting values for GP combustion efficiency in the afterburner were evaluated from analysis of GP flow (gas and condensed phases) mixing with air flow. Simulation gives the data on the influence of injection configuration and GP condensed phase dispersion profile on the mixing efficiency in the afterburner. The results of study can be useful in recommendations for gaining on the cycle efficiency in novel propulsion plants.