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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2021 year, number 7

Simulation of batch signal processing in laser rangefindes

V.P. Vasiliev1, I.V. Znamenskii1, A.A. Tikhomirov2
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:251:"1Research-and-Production Corporation «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia";}
Keywords: laser rangefinder, batch signal, simulation, probabilities of false alarm and correct signal detection


Processing of batch signals of a laser rangefinder intended for measuring the spacecraft orbit altitude using the pulsed method in the altitude range 180-370 km is simulated for a photodetector operating in the charge-integration mode with allowance for the background solar radiation power. In this case, the rangefinder emits a batch of five 10-ns pulses with a lag between pulses of 250 ms. Digital processing of the received echo signals is based on the method of synchronous post-detector summation of the amplitudes of all pulses in the batch. To simulate the procedure of signal processing, a 180-367.5 km pulse strobe was used. The simulation program which generates normal Gaussian noise with the mean value and the variance depending on the mean background radiation power is described together with the program interface. The probabilities of false alarm and correct signal detection are determined with allowance for the threshold number of photoelectrons for different numbers of signal photoelectrons in a single pulse of the batch. The errors of measuring the altitude range are investigated for the entire strobe.