Numerical Study of Two-Phase Filtration in a Fractured Porous Medium Based on Models of Porous Elasticity and Discrete Cracks
D. Yu. Legostaev, S. P. Rodionov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen, 625026, Russia
Keywords: two-phase filtration, model of discrete cracks, fractured porous medium, poroelasticity
Models of poroelasticity and discrete cracks serve as a basis for a numerical study of filtration in deformable fractured porous media. The influence of the stress-strain state of a medium on its filtration properties is considered. Oil displacement from fractured formations is investigated. It is shown that compressive stresses have a significant impact on the efficiency of oil displacement. Calculations are carried out for three versions of randomly developed systems of cracks with different degrees of coupling.