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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 1


T. V. Mzhelskaya, I. A. Durakov, O. N. Cationov
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: pedagogy, parenting model, archeology, values, educational impact


Introduction. The reduction of the contact teacher’s work with students, transferring classes to a remote form, reducing the educational process at the University lead to the fact that students have a smaller opportunity to learn from the direct experience of their mentors’ professional skills, including the field of education. The unique experience of teachers who successfully worked in the Soviet pedagogical school can contribute to the training of highly professional specialists and should be studied and applied in higher education institutions. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the ideas concerning of education and bringing up of history students by doctor of historical sciences, professor T. N. Troitskaya (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University). Methodology and methods of the research. The research is based on the ideas of education related to the issues of social development of a person, the formation of the qualities of solidarity, morality, citizenship, interpersonal relations, interests and needs of the individual in the group, subjective experience of social processes. The results of the research. Professor T. N. Troitskaya determines the factors that form her as a person: family, the desire to achieve goals, relations of relatives with close environment, cultivated ideas not just to survive, but to bear with dignity all the hardships that life offers. She as well as her students gave a lot of effort and energy to educational work in the archaeological club and in the expeditions, since their conditions are a favorable environment for this process. One of the main principles of educational work is an individual, differentiated approach to students, identifying the interests and capabilities of each, the formation of communicative competencies. Conclusion. After analyzing main pedagogical ideas of Professor T. N. Troitskaya, we come to a very important conclusion that only by personal example the Pedagogue can teach future teachers to respect and love their students, the ability to communicate with them, to stimulate their interest in their subject, and perhaps to determine their future profession.