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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 1


K. V. Shchurin1,2
1Belarusian State Agricultural Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
2Moscow State Regional University of Technology, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: engineer, technical progress, technosphere, coevolution, synergy, process metaphysics, engineering education


Introduction. The ever-increasing amount of special information in the technosphere and the increasing lack of time to master higher education programs necessitate increased selectivity in the appointment of the nomenclature and the volume of socio-humanitarian disciplines of the variative unit in the training programs of technical and technological directions. The range and content of such disciplines should be harmonized with general professional and special disciplines, motivating students to self-creative use of their knowledge. Methodology and methods of the research. The basic application of the system-synergistic approach to the analysis and prediction of the optimal path of technological progress as a coevolution of man and the surrounding social-natural space on the basis of mutually integrated principles of philosophical rationalism, existentialism and metaphysics of the process is applied. The purpose of engineering education is to train a creative specialist with a deep cultural and moral position. To do this, it is necessary to build an effective didactic bridge, accelerating the transition from the psychological attitudes of the student to the psychology of the creative, socially responsible “Homo technicus”. The results of the research. The existence of psychological, physiological and technical filters prevents the adequate human perception of objective reality and the creation of an optimal technosphere, which leads to the expanded application of methods of logic and metaphysics of the process. An engineer at the subconscious level should have the ability to recognize and screen out unacceptable solutions, timely identifying and taking into account objective limitations and local requirements. The system-forming discipline in engineering educational programs should be the “Philosophy of Technology” which analyzes the multi-factor trajectory of technological progress and vigorously participates in the formation of the best directions of its development. It is a discipline-catalyst in the study of general professional and special disciplines, and at the same time the basic in the block “Philosophy of Technology” - “Basics of Engineering Creativity” - “Innovation”. Conclusion. The “Philosophy of technology” as a system discipline has become a full part of the educational process in the field of higher technical education in many highly developed countries. Formed and tested by us is a set of disciplines on the basis of the “Philosophy of Technology”, the information and didactic effectiveness of which is confirmed by positive application practices; it is recommended to introduce it in educational programs of training specialists, masters, graduate students of science-intensive technical and technological areas.