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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 1


A. M. Gusev
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: education, digitalization, information technologies in education, ethical context of educational problems


Introduction. Modern challenges of digitalization significantly affect the education system, which must be modernized based on the current conditions in order to be effective in the future. However, in addition to a large number of advantages, this development leads to aggravation of a number of ethical problems. In this regard, there is a scientific problem of assessing the ethical side of the development of digital technologies in education. In order to study the ethical problems associated with the development of digital technologies in education, the main directions of the impact of digitalization on education are investigated, and the forecasting of future education based on the new needs of society is analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the study of ethical problems in education, which are becoming more acute in the process of developing digital technologies. Methodology and methods of the research. To achieve this goal, we used the methods of dialectics of social cognition, analysis of the socio-philosophical, socio-pedagogical and ethical context of educational problems. Insufficient knowledge of the features of the influence of digital culture and the social consequences of its development, the need to harmonize the human nature and new models of the formation of its qualities corresponds to the methodological principle of a systematic approach to the problem of our research. The principles of historicism and consistency used in the work are supplemented by structural-functional and socio-cultural approaches to the study of the phenomenon of digitalization of the educational space in the context of the development of modern society. The results of the research. The digital economy presents modern education with a number of complex ethical problems related to the use of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as their impact on the development of people’s competencies and abilities. Most of these problems currently do not have unambiguous solutions. The essential fact is that, on one hand, the introduction of breakthrough technologies in an inherently inertial education system should be carried out very carefully, and on the other hand, it is necessary to understand their inevitability and necessity. Conclusion. In general, it can be concluded that the development of information technologies will increase the effectiveness of education in the future, will contribute to the education of versatile individuals who are able to continuously learn and retrain throughout their lives.