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"Philosophy of Education"

2021 year, number 1


E. V. Shtager1,2
1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
2Polytechnic Institute, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: engineering education, convergent approach, metasubject training results, disciplinary convergence of engineering university, interdisciplinarity, discipline-concentrate, metasubject construct, levels of synthesis of scientific knowledge


Introduction. The organization of training at an engineering university requires the use of modern ideas about convergence as a fundamental category for the creation of integral educational spaces that implement an interdisciplinary synthesis of humanitarian, natural science and technological knowledge. This approach will best ensure that the metasubject learning outcomes are achieved. Methodology and methods of the research. The methodology of the system approach was used as a general scientific base, which allows to form a universal matrix of cross-disciplinary integration of engineering training. To organize the information integrity of polytechnic knowledge, the methodological functions of the concept of the modern picture of the world are “included”. The results of the research. The idea of convergence in education as a methodological basis of a holistic scientific worldview, emerging through the implementation of cross-disciplinary synthesis of scientific knowledge, is revealed. It has been shown that the metasubject results of training are considered as a worldwide visual interpretation of the goal of the modern educational system. The importance of a convergent approach for the pedagogical system of an engineering university that genetically integrates humanitarian, natural science and technological knowledge is justified. The author’s results of the study of the specifics of the general theory of systems in the development of the algorithm for the integrated design of the integral educational space of polytechnic training are presented. A general formative basis for cross-disciplinary interaction has been identified - methodological competence. It was shown that the metasubject results of training directly correlate with the idea of the formation of the foundations of the scientific worldview as methodological principles for studying any processes and phenomena. The procedure of modification of content of educational subjects and organization of process of assimilation is presented, focused on formation of methodological bases of engineering knowledge as the fundamental component of meta-skills. As a system-forming design, a category of technical system has been identified, the organization of the presentation of which in the cycles of polytechnic training allows all forms of synthesis of scientific and substantive knowledge of engineering to be realized. It has been shown that the technology of achieving metasubject training results does not involve restructuring the traditional structure of the educational process, since the goal of the pedagogical system is mainly focused on the organization of specialized methods for presenting educational information through algorithms of logical analysis and synthesis of fundamental engineering knowledge. Conclusion. Using a convergent approach to organize the integral educational space of an engineering university allows you to most effectively solve the problem of forming ideas about the integrity of the picture of the world and the principles of working with it. According to the author, the proposed approach to the transfer of scientific and substantive information ensures the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of the trainee, focused on the development of self-education skills as a global social order.