Ignition of Rotating Samples of High-Energy Materials by Laser Radiation
V. A. Arkhipov1, N. N. Zolotorev1, A. G. Korotkikh2, V. T. Kuznetsov1, O. V. Matvienko1,3, I. V. Sorokin2
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia 2Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia 3Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tomsk, 634003 Russia
Keywords: high-energy material, ignition, laser radiation, angular velocity of rotation, convective heat transfer, ignition delay, experimental study
This paper presents a method and results of an experimental study of the ignition characteristics of samples of high-energy materials by multimode laser radiation. An even distribution of the radiation flux density on the end surface of a cylindrical sample is obtained by its rotation around the axis of symmetry with a given angular velocity. The effect of convective heat transfer of the end surface of the sample with the environment on ignition characteristics is eliminated by placing the sample in a cylindrical container. The results of experiments on ignition of pyroxylin samples by a CO2 laser with and without rotation rotation of the sample are presented.