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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 4


E. A. Alexandrova1, N. A. Evdokimov2, A. I. Evdokimova2, I. V. Tancheva2
1Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia
2Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia
Keywords: education, inclusive education, higher education, trainees, pedagogy, inclusive educational environment


Introduction. The paper focuses on the development of inclusive education related to the increase in the number of people with disabilities on the planet. This fact confirms the urgent need for inclusion of disabled people in the life and activities of society, which in turn cannot remain at the same level of perception of the problem that existed in the past. The authors’ position is based on the identified modern aspects of the educational environment, which are directly related to the multidirectional understanding of its participants of the moral aspects of the situation under study, as well as the difficulties and opportunities to improve ways of obtaining quality education for people with disabilities. The reasons that slow down inclusion in Russian educational institutions are identified, among which students’ unwillingness to notice the difficulties of their peers with disabilities, as well as the lack of counseling and inclusion in the social life of disabled people. Methodology and methods of the research. We use a comparative analysis of data on the increase in the share of people with disabilities in Russia and the world, the results of which for 2012-2019 characterize the increase in disability of the world’s population from 8 to 35 %. Statistical indicators are compared using the dynamics over several years: in Russia and the Saratov region, the number of disabled individuals and disabled children is characterized by a steady increase. The causes of disability are clarified, among which diseases of the nervous system are crucial, while other diseases that cause disability also show an increase. Methods of organization of inclusive education and problems of its implementation in the modern world are considered. The results of the research. The authors specify the pedagogical tasks of inclusive education: creating a unified psychologically comfortable educational environment; restructuring the culture of educational institutions, rules, norms; organizing a new system of psychological and pedagogical support, therapeutic and preventive activities; providing access to the educational environment; improving the system of training and retraining of teachers. The paper describes the essence of the components of the educational environment: architectural features of buildings and equipment; type of culture, which implies the presence of a formed relationship of cooperation between the teacher and the student; psychodidactics, which implies the development of learning methods of activity. Recommendations are offered for each component in order to improve pedagogical methods of working with students in an inclusive environment. Conclusion. The study revealed a growing trend in the number of students with disabilities in Russia, as well as the need to create optimal conditions for those children who have not received confirmation of disability, but have health abnormalities, and therefore need some pedagogical support. The discovered low satisfaction of students with disabilities with educational organizations leads to the question of ensuring the effectiveness of the methods of activities of students with disabilities and its being in demand from others as an indicator of quality of the inclusive educational environment. The search for an answer to the above question leads to the disclosure of the content of the components of the educational environment, united by introducing all students to the values of culture, and implemented in their activities.