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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2020 year, number 6

Chemical Recycling of Ash and Industrial Wastes at Coal-Fired Power Plants with CO2 Utilization

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: coal-fired power plant, CO utilization, ash and slag wastes, mineralization, carbonation, chemical recycling
Pages: 576-581


The utilization of ash and slag from coal-fired power plants to ensure their environmental safety was considered. A comprehensive technology is proposed to utilize wastes of solid fuel combustion from thermal power plants and regional industrial wastes along with CO2 emissions produced at thermal power plants, which is relevant under the Paris Climate Agreement signed by Russia. A low-waste process of energy generation and the production of substituents of natural materials for various purposes may be arranged by combining the production of free calcium and magnesium oxides from the mineral part of fuel burnt in the steam boiler, dry ash removal from the boiler and electrostatic precipitators, chemical saturation of the oxides with carbon dioxide from coal combustion products leading to the formation of thermodynamically stable carbonates. Integrated carbonation of basic components of ashes from the power plant during the mineralization of CO2 emissions enhances the consumer properties of ash and slag and provides the reduction of CO2 emission by 3-5 %, which is equivalent to an increase in power plant efficiency by 1.5-2 %. Involvement of regional resources (power plant ash and slag and other facilities, construction waste from housing renovation programs, etc .) in the chemical recycling process can increase the degree of power plant wastelessness up to 70-90 % without turning to expensive technologies of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The possibility to solve the multifactor utilization task for solid and gaseous products of different kinds within a single technological process ensures the commercial attractiveness of this proposal.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD2020267