Methods and problems of species identification in the study of ecology and patterns of distribution of spore organisms
A. V. Vlasenko1, V. A. Vlasenko1, Yu. K. Novozhilov2, S. V. Asbaganov1, T. Dejidmaa3
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia 3Plant Protection Research Institute of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Keywords: ареал, биоразнообразие, гипотеза «все есть всюду, но среда отбирает» (EiE), гипотеза умеренного эндемизма (MEH), грибы, закономерности распространения, миксомицеты, молекулярно-генетические методы, рДНК, сканирующая электронная микроскопия, экология, Arcyria imperialis, Arcyria stipata, Disciseda hyalothrix, Lamproderma pseudomaculatum, Pleurotus pulmonarius, Arcyria imperialis, Arcyria stipata, biodiversity, Disciseda hyalothrix, ecology, “everything is everywhere” (EiE hypothesis), fungi, Lamproderma pseudomaculatum, patterns of distribution, moderate endemicity hypothesis (MEH), myxomycetes, molecular genetic methods, Pleurotus pulmonarius, range, rDNA, scanning electron microscopy
The use of molecular genetic methods for the species identification of fungi and myxomycetes (DNA barcoding) showed that it is necessary to reconsider the views on the ecology and habitats of many species of spore organisms. Spores of basidiomycetes and myxomycetes can spread over considerable distances with the help of water, wind, and insects, which contributes to the settlement of various distant habitats, where only microenvironment and substrate act as limiting factors. The possibility of settling various “island” habitats, for example, such as large tree debris in the steppe regions or special microclimatic conditions on the bottoms of ravines and gullies in the forest-steppe, where the humidity is much higher than on the plain areas, allows spore organisms to expand their habitats and settle in uncharacteristic for them natural areas. Own research, analysis of the literature and data in GenBank showed that for spore-forming organisms, when studying the ecology and patterns of distribution, the question of their correct species identification arises. The article discusses examples of the influence of the hypothesis “Everything is everywhere, but the environment takes away” (EiE hypothesis) on the understanding of the ecology and ranges of some species of myxomycetes and basidiomycetes. For the first time, data are presented on the distribution and ecology of the nivicolous species of myxomycetes Lamproderma pseudomaculatum on the plain territory of Western Siberia. Using the myxomycetes Arcyria imperialis and A . stipata , as well as the fungi Disciseda hyalothrix and Pleurotus pulmonarius , the possibility of using DNA barcoding to study the species diversity of spore organisms, differentiate morphologically similar species, and correctly interpret their ranges and ecology is shown. For all of these species, rDNA sequences were studied; photographs were taken on a scanning electron microscope for myxomycetes.