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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2020 year, number


Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation
Keywords: Иркутское отделение Сибирского Торгового банка, заемщики, банковская кредитная политика, денежный оборот, капитал, Irkutsk Province, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Branch of Siberian Commercial Bank, borrowers, Bank credit policy, money turnover, capital of entrepreneurs


The paper objective is to establish directions of the credit policy of the Irkutsk Branch of the Siberian Trade Bank in 1904-1907. The following tasks have been set and solved: to find archival documents relating to credited persons and entities in the Branch; to identify the range of individuals and organizations credited to the Branch during the specified period; to structure and analyze data on borrowers’ compartment; to conclude on the Branch policy related to credited individuals and organizations range. The article relevance is due to the lack of information in the scientific circulation about the private banking sector activity in the region, in general, and the local branch of the Siberian Commercial Bank, in particular. At present, there is no analysis of the lending volume, composition of credited individuals and organizations, and therefore it is impossible to make a more or less reliable idea on the direction of the regional banking policy during the pre-revolutionary period. This work is intended to fill a gap in the history of the private banking sector’s development in the Irkutsk Province concerning the local branch activity of the Siberian Commercial Bank in terms of lending. The research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The author used along with general scientific approaches of cognition, which include analysis, synthesis, generalization, also methods of special historical research: historical-genetic, historical-comparative, and historical-systematic ones. Based on the study the author made conclusions about the absence of a well-regulated policy of the Bank’s Branch in relation to borrowers while maintaining a tendency to increase the credit limit depending on the annual turnover and commodity security of customers; the exclusivity of the banking institute’s attitude to the community of the largest entrepreneurs applied to the Bank for credit resources; the preferential lending to small and medium-sized business segments by the Irkutsk Branch of the Siberian Commercial Bank in pre-revolutionary Russia.